All Students will be charged a $25 Registration Fee upon enrolling. This fee is good for one year (which will then become “Anniversary Fee” or until you drop out of the program. This fee is nonrefundable.
Because of our strict student to teacher ratio and because of our tight class schedule, missed classes will not be prorated or refunded. Each student is allowed 1 makeup per semester upon request via email or phone.
In the event of medical emergencies, we will be happy to offer our fullest support to our families. Please see “Injury or Illness” below.
Of course, Sweet Blue Swim Academy will make exceptions for extenuating circumstances such as injuries, or extended illness when a doctor’s note is provided. We allow up to 4 consecutive weeks credit for medical emergencies such as broken bones where casts are not allowed to get wet; however, we do not credit for missed classes due to minor illness like the flu or planned surgeries such as ear tubes or tonsillectomies.
You can drop a class by logging into your account in the Customer Portal, and clicking on “My Account”. You will see you child(ren)’s enrollment in classes. You will have the option of requesting to drop the class of your choosing or transfer.
Discontinuation of Enrollment requires that parents notify us 14 days in advance. This serves to protect families so they can show date of discontinuation request, as monthly billing is directly linked to discontinuation request date. Without proof of discontinuation in email, credits/refunds will not be given.
Please note: You are responsible for payment for your student’s classes WHETHER OR NOT YOUR STUDENT ATTENDS CLASS until the time you notify the staff via Parent Portal or via written notice. Please do not rely on your student to verbally let us know that he/she will no longer be attending classes. If a student stops coming to class without any notification, then that student’s account will be charged for the additional 30 days. This charge will be for holding the student’s place in that class instead of offering that place to one of the many on a waiting list.
We will also honor all religious and federal holidays and offer a credit provided that we receive a 14-day advanced written notice.
It is the sole right of Sweet Blue Swim Academy to cancel lessons due to inclement weather. Sweet Blue will make every effort to determine the status of lessons as early as possible in the day, based on available hourly forecasts.
Sweet Blue will text and email all affected families should lessons be canceled. Should Sweet Blue Swim Academy determine that lessons must be canceled due to weather conditions, a class credit will be applied to your next month’s tuition. Sweet Blue will determine the day of, and not before, whether or not a cancellation is in order. By and large, Sweet Blue follows the Greenwich Public School system on days of inclement weather.
Sweet Blue Swim Academy does not offer credits or refunds for weather if pools are open as regularly scheduled.
Unforeseen closures of pools do happen, due to incorrect chemical levels, temperature fluctuations, accidental fecal accidents etc. When these occur, we text and call families as soon as possible to notify them that classes are canceled for the day. A credit is issued to each affected family, and this is deducted from the following month’s tuition. There are no make-ups for these unplanned closures.
Swimwear – the wearing of loose fitting swimwear or baggy shorts is inadvisable as these prevent ease of movement in the water. We are happy to provide each swimmer with a cap and goggles for their lessons. Wetsuits and gear are available for purchase should you wish to take these home. We do not provide towels for lessons.
Diapers – All children under the age of 3, and any children who are not potty- trained, must wear a Happy Nappy Duo in the water. A re-usable swim diaper (Finis, iPlay, or Charlie Banana) with a regular Happy Nappy worn over it is also acceptable. Diapers must be snug around the hips & thighs. These are available for purchase at the pool.
Please make certain your child has removed all bandages prior to class. If your child has an open cut or other wound, he/she may not be admitted to class. Please make sure that your child does not come to class with any jewelry on. No chewing gum allowed in lessons.
Remain at the pool for the duration of your child’s lesson in case they need to use the bathroom. Outside of their class, all children are the sole responsibility of the parent or caregiver. Absolutely no running, fighting, shouting or horseplay is allowed before during or after your child’s lesson.
If your child is feeling under the weather, specifically experiencing a fever or a contagious disease, please be considerate of others by keeping your child home from lessons for a minimum of 48 hours. If they have had diarrhea within the past two weeks, please do not bring them to the pool.
Be sure your student arrives at least 5 minutes before his/her scheduled class time. Please be present during the duration of the class and meet your student poolside on time at the end of class.
Sweet Blue Swim Academy’s staff will not be responsible for ANY items that may be lost or stolen. Be sure your student’s personal items are marked with their name. If you do lose anything on the premises feel free to look for it in our Lost & Found bin located in the family changing room.