2-4 months

This class focuses on water comfort and child bonding, and it does not entail water submersion.  It is a fun and stimulating activity to do with your child. Also, it is scientifically demonstrated that very early exposure to the water enhances nerve fiber growth between neurons through repetition of exercises.  These new nerve pathways set down intricate neural networks that direct a child’s higher level brain development.

Ratio: 1:8

15 mins : FREE of charge ENROLL


4-18 months

For children aged 4 months to 17 months, Parent & Child I classes require one parent to be in the water with the child.

Children are required to wear a Happy Nappy Duo diaper; this is to avoid any leaks in the event of a fecal accident. This item is available for purchase at retail price on the pool deck. Parents are expected to fully participate in the activities of the class. The focus of the class includes the following skills development:

  • Intro to water safety skills
  • Child Bonding
  • Comfort in & under water
  • Independence in the water

Ratio: 1:4

30 mins : $40 / lesson ENROLL


18-36 months

For children aged 18 months to 36 months, Parent & Child II classes require one parent to be in the water with the child.

Children are required to wear a Happy Nappy Duo diaper; this is to avoid any leaks in the event of a fecal accident. These items are available for purchase at retail price on the pool deck. Parents are expected to fully participate in the activities of the class. The focus of the class includes the following skills development:

  • Intro to water safety skills
  • Child Bonding
  • Comfort in & under water
  • Independence in the water

Ratio: 1:4

30 mins : $40 / lesson ENROLL


3 years

This class is conceived for children of 3 years of age in order to make the most of their developing motor skills, while learning the fundamental skills for a safe experience in the water, such as:

  • Proper breath control and body position
  • Independence in the water
  • Build strength and confidence in the water
  • Learn fundamentals of strokes

Ratio: 1:3

30 mins : $40 / lesson ENROLL


4-10 years

Learn-to-Swim Basic is for children aged 4 to 10 years of age, who cannot swim more than 10 yards unassisted. This class is the gateway to learning the proper and formal technique to swim the four strokes legally.

  • Proper breath control and body position
  • Independence in the water
  • Build strength and confidence in the water
  • Learn fundamentals of strokes

Ratio: 1:3

30 mins : $40 / lesson ENROLL


4-10 years

Learn-to-Swim Intermediate is for children aged 4 to 10 years of age, who are mostly comfortable in the water, and who can swim 10-25 yards (length of the pool) with assistance from the instructor. This class is the gateway to learning the proper and formal technique to swim the four strokes legally.

  • Proper breath control and body position established
  • Rollovers
  • Back floats
  • Achieve full independence and safety in the water
  • Build strength and confidence in the water
  • Learn fundamentals of strokes

Ratio: 1:3

30 mins : $40 / lesson


6-10 years

Learn-to-Swim Advanced is for children aged 6 to 10 years of age, who can comfortably swim the entire length of the pool without pause in freestyle and backstroke, with the instructor being on the pool deck. This class is the gateway to learning the proper and formal technique to swim the four strokes legally.

  • Proper breath control and body position
  • Independence in the water
  • Build strength and confidence in the water
  • Learn fundamentals of strokes

Ratio: 1:3

30 mins : $40 / lesson ENROLL


6-8 years

The Swim-Team Ready Clinic is designed for kids who want to make a swim team but may not quite have all the strokes legal.
Ideal candidates have already swum on a pre-team and will continue to swim on a pre-team: this class will complement that progress.
You must have some resemblance of freestyle and backstroke.  Breast and fly still connecting and making stroke legal.
The focus will be on competitive swim, dives, turns, and on being race-ready. Each child will have one-on-one time with Cristina with specific goals to attain so he/she will be Swim-Team Ready for Summer 2025-Fall 2025.

This class is restricted to kids who are between 6 and 8 years of age. Enrollment in the Swim-Team Ready Clinic is by petition only.

  • Reinforcement of essentials to swimming fast
  • Stroke drills and analysis
  • Stroke refinement

Ratio: 1:8

60 mins: $80 / lesson ENROLL


8-14 years

These classes are for children who have a basic understanding of and ability to do all the four competitive strokes. The focus is on refining the technique of the strokes while, at the same time, building endurance in the water beyond a formal swim lesson. A wonderful bridge to those swimmers who are interested in joining a competitive swim team, or for those who enjoy swim practices without swim meets.

  • Reinforcement of essentials to swimming fast
  • Stroke drills and analysis
  • Stroke refinement

Ratio: 1:4

60 mins: $80 / lesson ENROLL


8-18 years

The Competitive Clinic Series classes are designed for competitive swimmers who wish to enhance their racing strategies, while focusing on the technique of their stroke. Low student-to-coach ratio (1:4) offers the possibility to interact and give one-on-one attention to each student. The Clinic Series provides the opportunity to build on classes and continually correct and fortify proper stroke technique and good habits.

  • Reinforcement of essentials to swimming fast
  • Competitive racing strategies
  • Stroke drills and analysis
  • Stroke refinement

Ratio: 1:4

60 mins : $100 / lesson ENROLL


18+ years

The focus of Adult Learn-to-Swim classes is to introduce individuals to the fun and safe experience of the water at a later age. Classes are in a supportive group learning environment, meeting each student with where they are in their comfort and skill level. Skills will focus on:

  • Comfort in the water
  • Learn-to-Swim
  • Stroke refinement

Ratio: 1:3

30 mins : $40 / lesson ENROLL


18 Months - Adults

Offered during our summer months, intensives are where your child comes 4 consecutive days in 1 week, Monday through Thursday. Lessons are one hour long (except for Parent& Child II classes, which are 30 minutes) at the same time each day, offering the student an intensified learning environment to increase his/her comfort and technique in the water.  You may sign up for one week at a time, offering flexibility around summer plans and vacation. Skills focused on will be age- and ability-specific. Please refer to Parent & Child classes, Learn-to-Swim classes, and Pre-Competitive classes for more specific information.

30 minutes - 1 hour : $43.75 - $87.50 / lesson ENROLL


All ages

At Sweet Blue, we are prepared and have trained to offer swim lessons to children and adults with special attributes, ranging from anywhere in the large spectrum of Autism, to Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and ADHD. Our goal is to focus on the student’s ability rather than his/her physical or cognitive challenges.

It is our desire to bring joy through special-ability aquatics, and to allow for an opening to bring a newly rediscovered independence to any level of daily life as well as to enrich the notion of resilience.

Please contact us if you have any questions, or for an appointment at hello@sweetblueswim.com.